Single Family Home Sale

Finding potential buyers for a single-family home in Aventura, FL



Project Overview & Goals

Ariel Hollender partnered with our digital marketing team to find qualified buyers for a single-family home in Aventura, FL, listed at $1,600,000. The campaign aimed to attract potential buyers from specific regions known for their interest in South Florida real estate, including Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the US Northeast. The objective was to generate leads from individuals interested in real estate investing and relocating to South Florida, ultimately leading to a successful sale.

Solutions Provided

To meet these goals, we executed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that included:

  • Targeted Instagram and Facebook Ads: Developed visually appealing ads for Instagram and Facebook Stories, showcasing the unique features of the property and its desirable location. The ads were designed to capture attention quickly and encourage potential buyers to inquire.

  • Precise Audience Targeting: Focused on affluent individuals in targeted areas such as Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the US Northeast (NY, NJ, CT). We targeted users with interests in real estate investing and relocating to South Florida to ensure the campaign reached the most relevant audience.


The campaign successfully met its objectives, yielding exceptional results:

  • Total Leads Generated: 148 high-quality leads were captured through targeted ads.

  • Total Reach: The ads reached 40,138 accounts across the targeted regions.

  • Average Frequency: The campaign engaged each account an average of 4.05 times, ensuring strong brand recall and engagement.

  • Total Amount Spent: $6,049.99 was invested in the campaign.

  • Average Cost per Lead: $40.88, showcasing efficient budget utilization for high-value real estate marketing.

  • Outcome: The campaign resulted in a full asking price sale of $1,600,000 to a buyer from Canada. The buyer, a surgeon relocating to Aventura Hospital, was highly impressed with the property and the targeted marketing efforts.

This case study highlights the effectiveness of targeted digital marketing and custom CRM solutions in generating leads and closing sales for high-value real estate properties. Ariel Hollender successfully found the ideal buyer for the property, demonstrating the value of a strategic, data-driven approach to real estate marketing.